Harnessing the power of video content is paramount for brands in today’s digital age. But with numerous platforms, each with its own specifications and audience expectations, it’s crucial to tailor your videos accordingly. Below, you’ll discover a step-by-step guide on repurposing your brand video for multiple platforms without losing its core essence.

Crafting a Versatile Script

Your script serves as the backbone of your video. Make it versatile enough to be cut, reshaped, or expanded upon without losing its main message.

Instead of a linear story, think of your video in layers. The top layer contains the primary message, while subsequent layers delve deeper into the details. This makes trimming easier.

With diminishing attention spans, especially on social media, begin with the most crucial information. That way, if you need to make cuts, your audience still gets the main idea.

Identifying Key Segments for Different Platforms

Each platform has its own dynamics, and you should be aware of what resonates best with its audience.


This is your home turf. Use the full version of your video with all its layers and details. It’s where your core audience visits, so offer them the entire story.


While longer videos work, keep them engaging. Detailed product demos or behind-the-scenes content works well here.

Social Platforms

Instagram: Prioritise visually stunning moments and keep the video under 60 seconds for regular posts or 15 seconds for Stories.

Facebook: Videos can be a bit longer than Instagram, but prioritise shareable moments that encourage user engagement.

X (Formerly Twitter): Videos on X can be as long as 2 minutes 20 seconds, but shorter is better and videos under 60 seconds are more likely to be retweeted, and will loop automatically in the timeline.

TikTok: Be trendy, fast-paced, and tap into popular challenges or music. Typically, videos should be 15-60 seconds long.

Live/Promotional Events

While you have more of a captive audience at a live event, it’s a good idea to prioritise and showcase the highlights. Make sure to capture the audience’s attention immediately.


Whether it’s online or broadcast, keep it short, snappy, and to the point. You often have only 30 seconds to deliver your message, so prioritise clarity.

Editing Techniques for Each Platform

Merely cutting your video isn’t enough. Consider the following editing techniques to make each version resonate with its intended platform:

Dynamic Cuts for Social Media

Use fast-paced, dynamic edits for platforms like TikTok and IG Stories to maintain viewer engagement.

Use Captions

Many viewers watch videos on mute, especially on social platforms. Including captions ensures your message isn’t lost.

Optimised Thumbnails

A captivating thumbnail can significantly increase click-through rates on YouTube and Vimeo.

Platform-Specific Graphics

Customise graphics, text sizes, and animations based on where the video will be viewed. For instance, text should be larger and more readable for mobile-focused platforms like IG and TikTok.

Engage with Transitions

Use engaging transitions, but don’t overdo it. The key is to maintain a balance without making the video feel disjointed.

Repurposing videos for different platforms doesn’t mean just cutting them to different lengths. It’s about understanding the unique characteristics of each platform and tweaking your content to align with those needs. When done correctly, this ensures that your message remains powerful and relevant, regardless of where it’s viewed. Before you start shooting your next brand video, consider from the beginning how it will work on each platform, as this will help you to create content that has a much bigger reach.
If you need help creating your video or editing it to work for different platforms, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.