promotional video Devon. B2B services

Sharp Films | Exeter based video production
31st Aug 2017

New Toys – The Sony FS5

Sony FS5 // Promotional Films Devon Over the last 18 months we have been heavily investing into our filming equipment. The next tool to join the fleet is the Sony FS5! As you can see from… Read More
Exe Hammer 2016 | The Film
3rd Oct 2016

Exe Hammer 2016 | The Film

Event Video Production Exeter: Edge Watersport's is an extreme sports company based in Exmouth. They run a Stand up paddle boarding race every year called "The Exe Hammer". I was approached by Edge water-sports to cover the… Read More
Welcome to Sharp Films
18th Sep 2016

Welcome to Sharp Films

Hello and welcome to Sharp Films Exeter, Devon.. its a pleasure to have you! My name is Chris and I run Sharp Films. I'm sure by now you have had a good look around the website… Read More